Everyday, somewhere, someone is getting what can be perceived by others as bad news. For those on the receiving end, it can be a confirmation of a preconceived outcome that’s been waited for.
What we have to understand in this thing called life is that it changes. In fact it changes so quickly that sometimes it can be mind blowing just how much so.
This week I listened to my elderly mother retell a story of a chance meeting she had with a woman in the supermarket. The other lady was crying and my mother had asked if she could help. It turns out the woman had not long earlier received a health diagnosis that left her rocked. But just the act of talking to a stranger had brought a common ground as the diagnosis was something my mum had got through years previous and had lived to tell the tale. Sometimes a glimmer of hope is all we need to get by. It can be enough to reenergise our fight and revitalise our outlook.
Sometimes just knowing we aren’t the only person to deal with a situation can be comforting in itself, as we know we aren’t alone - even if it’s just a stranger in a supermarket.
We should take comfort and strength in equal measure. See that through the actions of others, we ourselves are capable of more than we feel ready for now.
The blue skies are out there. Sometimes you just have to look beyond the dark clouds:
If we only look for clouds, we will only ever see the rain…
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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