I think for anyone who drives or rides any kind of vehicle, there has got to be nothing better than the sight of an open road before you?
You know that feeling when you turn a corner, or come over the crest of a hill and all of a sudden it lays there in front of you, completely unblemished by others and as if it has just that moment been made new just for you. The thing about it is that because it doesn’t happen every day, or even every week, it makes it so much more recognisable and by default so much more enjoyable. The fact that it is just you in that space and enjoying the freedom it brings as you continue your journey.
The same thing happens when we encounter someone with an open mind. Someone who, like ourselves, is not blinkered or carrying prejudged misconceptions. It’s meeting someone who will reason the situation with all the evidence before them.
Sound familiar? If you think about it, today I can pretty much guarantee you are going to have an interaction with someone who will carry prejudices in some form or other. Someone who lives by the “I’m right and you’re wrong” mentality. The kind of person believes their ignorance is their greatest strength.
If you’re not sure who that could be, start by thinking of someone you have met who is xenophobic. These are the ones that are currently making me smile on the inside. Why? Because there is a soccer tournament on at the moment and all the national teams of Europe are playing, but when you look at the team sheets, there are immigrants suddenly becoming heroes, just because they score a goal. Yet all year round they are vilified.
So, when you think of a closed mind, and now that you have a good starting point of what it’s like, think of just how refreshing it is to interact with people who aren’t like that.
There are innumerable numbers of people who are like a breath of fresh mountain air. The people who encourage you to question your understanding. To think about the big picture and to look at the world as a whole.
There are people who are the human equivalent of a long open road. Who just the sight of them brings happiness. Some people just make you feel happier when you are around them. Some people just make you feel good. And just like the open road, these are the people we should be around. Never underestimate the power of an open mind.
They are sunshine for your soul, and medicine for your mind…
Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x
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