Perservation and Preservation…

Years ago, long before the advent of electricity, no less the invention of the refrigerator, people preserved with the use of salt. Meats were literally caked in it and placed in barrels. Even now we cook certain dishes that have a ‘salt bake’ casing to preserve the tenderness of said item as it roasts slowly to perfection. 

As much as you all know I love to cook, this week isn’t turning into a cookery lesson. Instead I have been thinking about how we preserve things in our lives. Mostly memories that we hold dear, or cherish those of loved ones now departed. But the thing is we preserve what has already gone. This is what got me. Why don’t we preserve what we have now, the stuff that we love about our lives? The stuff we love about ourselves - and that one should be easy if you are truly honest with yourself. 

We need to take time to ensure we hold dear to what ‘we hold dear’. Ideally we should start with our happiness, because that’s the one thing we can’t ever buy, and something we need to absolutely cherish. Why? Because when we have happiness we have the essence of life.

Life, and all the happiness we hold in it is shorter than any of us will ever imagine when it comes to the end. Even if we live to old age, it’s still a short journey. It has an expiry and for now, that is something we should look to preserve to preserve. 

Think about it as salting your life:

Salt as a preservative, 

Preserve your happiness!

Once upon a time, and forever more…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
