Have you ever had to adapt to your surroundings, whether it be immediate, short term or long term? The answer is most likely yes. In fact, I am pretty sure all of us at some point or another have had to. And probably a lot more than you think too.
The thing is, we need to adapt and evolve as the world around us moves and changes. If we don’t we become stuck and fall behind out capability to be who we should, to be who we truly are.
When I think about adapting there are two examples that nature uses to remind me. The branches of a tree in the wind is the first. You watch how they sway and they let the wind flow through. Yet all the time retaining their stretch and returning to their original form, but with the ability to evolve to the shape the wind takes them. If they don’t, they break. It really is as simple as that. If you try to resist change too much, you too will break. Perhaps not physically, but emotionally or mentally something will give. Not only do we lose when this happens, but we also never get to see just how much far we can go. I know I regularly write about becoming all we can be, but the truth is if you don’t let yourself go and are consistently resisting the opportunity to change, then you will never know.
The next is water. There is nothing better than watching the waves crash over a beach. Whether it be in the summer, when the warm water laps the shore. Or in the middle of winter, when the seas are up and there is more urgency behind the wave. Either way, what you will find is that no two waves are the same. Not going to happen - well not naturally. Yet they change to reach their destination and they do so seamlessly. So what’s to say we can’t master this ourselves? What if I told you you are already pretty damn good at this without even knowing it.
What we need to remember is we can never catch the same wave twice. We can never catch the same flow of water again, much the same as in life. We can only catch this life once. We might as well make it worthwhile.
Be formless, shapeless - like water or the wind.
Allow yourself to journey by adapting and evolving, and overcoming.
Water, just like the wind, can be tranquil, or it can be one of the most devastating forces in nature. By allowing yourself to be, you allow yourself to be either…
Happy Damn Friday! x
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