Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had a bit of a reminder to look after myself a bit more. It’s that time of year when colds and bugs are going around, and I ended up with a chest infection. Having had asthma since a kid, I am acutely aware of the start of this, and anyone who gets one knows that horrible spongy feeling in your chest, just at the onset. Then the cough - oh boy do I not miss that cough when it’s gone.
I guess this year has been pretty busy in one way or another. The last couple of years haven’t afforded much time off to chill out. Mainly due to restrictions, and not wanting to make plans - only for them to be cancelled again. But it is really important to take time out now and then. My trip to Edinburgh two weeks ago was exactly what was needed, albeit a little late.
The opportunity to switch off for a couple of days will do you good. Not just mentally, but physically too. We need to recharge, or we get to the point where our bodies start to give us a nudge or a kick to do so.
When I look around me, I see so many people doing the same. I’m not going to name names, but it is so evident that we are in a time when we push ourselves to the limit, and then a little bit more, and more, and more. It isn’t sustainable. Once our reserves run out we are in danger of affecting our health.
Take time out. Do it. Even if it’s just a couple of days, and even if you do nothing in particular. Take the time to recharge before you end up making yourself I’ll and being forced to take the time. The only difference being you won’t be able to enjoy the time out at that stage.
For me being outside is key. Fresh air. Blow the cobwebs away and enjoy being able to fill your lungs with the crisp autumnal air. Don’t forget to dress appropriately though. Ok, so I’m still holding on to wearing my cargo shorts - my standard uniform from April til roughly this time of year. But it’s now time for coats or hoodies and feeling wrapped up and protected from the elements. In the same way when we recharge, we protect ourselves from ourselves. We recoup and reenergise, ready for the next challenge or the next adventure. So just like the Duracell bunny, you can keep on going. Long after others who have fallen in your wake.
So my message this week is to look out for your health, look after yourself, look forward to what’s to come. Make life ‘Easy-Peasy’, not tired and wheezy.
Remember; it ain’t easy being wheezy…
Happy Damn Friday! x
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