Pick A Part That’s New…

Do you get, or have you ever been made feel, guilty for doing what you want? You know, times when you just want to do something for you. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, just something that you know you want to be able to do?

Unfortunately we can experience toxicity whereby we are discouraged from doing just that. Instead always doing what others want, or want of us. I know, because I have been there more times than I care to remember. It’s not about being week either. It’s often, or at least in my own experience, wanting to do more for others, and automatically putting others before yourself. 

Don’t get me wrong, that in itself can be a wonderful trait, but there is a fine balance. And when it it’s to the point of detriment to yourself, then that is when you need to take stock and ask yourself what happiness you are going to experience? I’m not talking about seeking reward for doing something for someone else, instead I mean does it make you feel good/happy being able to do it; or does it feel like you’re allowing yourself to be dragged down further and used more and more. 

We will all encounter the type of people who are only out for themselves, and will bleed those around them. Normally without any shame or being oblivious to the damage they are causing. 

But to do something for yourself is completely different. It’s about self care, and more so self respect to know that sometimes you just need to take back ‘you’. To stop for a moment and be comfortable in saying no. Say no to the stuff that drags you down. Say no to the people that drag you down. Do it, and do it without guilt too. Then when you lift that burden, which is likely semi self imposed, that is when you get to freely do all the things that you like to do. This is the time when you get to embrace and explore your own self, and your own life. 

Explore you for you, pick a part that’s new…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

