As the Pogues once sang “it’s Christmas Eve babe”, and it’s a day that can have so many emotions for so many. It can be joy and happiness, especially for those with young children and the excitement of Santa Claus bringing a magical aura to your home. For others it can be a time when they look to the holidays as a time for forgiveness, and peace. A time when they let bygones be bygones and wiping the slate clean in readiness for the new year next week.
For some however it can be a time of terrible sadness or loneliness as they experience their first holiday season without a loved one, or because of a change in personal circumstance they find that they are alone at this time. Don’t get me wrong, for many the change in personal circumstance has come about because they themselves have been brave enough to make the changes they needed to make in their lives to bring about the opportunity of an open door to welcome happiness, prosperity and potential into their lives.
For those dealing with loss, I know it can be tougher than you ever thought it could be. It is, but it’s because the one who is passed has left such a significant hole that will never be filled. The thing is it doesn’t need to be. And more importantly it shouldn’t. That’s not to say you won’t find happiness again, you will. It will take time, and the length of time is on your terms. Nobody can dictate how long, or when and how it will happen - but you will find happiness again.
I guess no matter which of the circumstances above you find yourself today, take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come to get there.
One day you will tell your story about how you overcame what you went though and it will become someone else’s survival guide…
Happy Damn Friday! x
I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:
@happydamnfriday on Twitter
Special words beautifully said. Happy Damn Xmas. X