Five Times Tables…

When it comes to feeling good, you might not be feeling 100%, but you’ve survived 100% of the bad days on the way here. That’s a pretty cool achievement if you ask me. So with that in mind, think about the week that’s just been. Think about the good, the bad, the indifferent. Think about the god damn ugly too. I guess it doesn’t really matter what it was, because you’re still here to think about it. 

There’s resilience for you!

If you take this mindset into the week ahead, and beyond, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t feel like you can accomplish anything  right? After all, you’re going to come out the other side to tell the tale. 

Life is pretty simple, it’s us that complicated it. If you strip it back to the basics and look at where you’ve come from to where you are now, it can be one hell of a journey. However, if you really think about it, it’s been the simplicity of one decision at a time that has got you there. Don’t go trying to do everything at once, because as good as you may be, there is every chance it fall over at some point - and if it doesn’t, you will from mental and physical exhaustion. Instead, take it to its core components and deal with these individually. Make each decision based on the main aspect what you are facing, and all of a sudden all of the decisions will start to fall into place, and you will find that life starts to make sense again, as well as start to work out. 

If you need a little guidance on it, then I opt for the five times table:

If it isn’t going to matter in 5 years, don’t waste more than 5 minutes worrying about it now…

Happy Damn Friday! x

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