Normal? Not For Me…

There’s no such thing as normal. 

Think about it, what each and everyone of us would ‘deem’ as normal, may be completely off the mark for someone else. The best thing is, none of us are right, and none of us are wrong. It’s about what makes us happy as an individual that makes it acceptable to us. 

The key word is ‘individual’. 

Don’t be afraid to be you, no matter who you are or where you are in your journey through this thing called life. It’s even better, if at some point, someone says those wonderful words “Why can’t you be normal?”. I’m not talking about acting up for an audience or attention seeking, I’m merely talking about not fitting into someone else’s crappy preconceived idea of what you should be to match their comfort zone. I’ve never wanted to be ‘normal’, it’s something that you cannot strive for. If anything it’s the laziest approach to life, and sure that’s not getting us anywhere. 

We pass this way but once. 

But it’s not normal, 

There’s no such thing as normal. 

There’s you, and there’s the rest,

There’s now and there’s forever.

Normal? Sorry, not for me - thanks all the same…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
