Live the ‘Dash’…

Not sure how many of you know about the ‘Dash’ and more importantly, just how important it is. 

So, the ‘Dash’ is the dash on your gravestone. You know, the one between your date of birth and the date you depart this mortal coil. ‘What is the significance of that?’, you may well ask. The truth is, the dash is your life. It is every moment on earth that you exist, even in your sleep. The significance of this is that all of us, we do not know what date is going to come after the dash. For most of us, we live blissfully unaware until that very moment. 

Everyone reading this, will undoubtedly have things that they are either going through, or have overcome. This in itself should make us even more aware of the importance of the dash. Basically, it doesn’t matter where you have come from or what you have come through, the important bit is that while you are still living our your ‘Dash’, then nothing is impossible. Not if you want it enough. Not if you’re open to welcoming it into your life. 

When it comes to your end of days, and someone is writing your eulogy, just what do you think they will be recounting from your ‘Dash’? 

For me, I want it to be about smiles across the years. Not just the smiles I have had, but also the ones I’ve left behind. Adventures that have been had and stories that can be retold for years to come. Happiness that stays long after the sadness has gone. That for me is living the ‘Dash’. 

You could almost look on it like the SOS distress call in Morse Code. The famous signal of ‘dot dot dot, dash dash dash, dot dot dot’. The dots on either side represent your entry and exit dates, and the dashes are the life you live in between. It isn’t a distress call, unless you aren’t living your life to the best of your ability. 

Live the ‘Dash’… 

Happy Damn Friday! x

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