New Words & Vague Destinations…

This week I have learned a new word. It’s rather spectacular and more so, it has resonated with me wildly. 

‘Coddiwomple’: (v.) to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. 

I cannot begin to explain how much I absolutely love the sentiment behind this. 

I instantly felt an infinity with this, albeit it’s the first time I heard it. I guess what struck a chord with me was the fact that although we may not always have a clear destination, it shouldn’t stop us from wanting to ‘get on’. 

Some people know from an early age ‘what they want to be when they grow up’, for the rest of us it may take a while. Some of us may still be figuring it out. For the later it tends to be shaped by challenges that life has thrown us, with the odd curveball along the way. Yet, here we are - still moving forward. And sometimes, still without a definitive destination. 

What we should take from this is that no matter where you find yourself on your journey, you just need to remember that it is ‘your journey’. Nobody else’s, and you’re not there to try to live out someone else’s journey either. 

Goal posts move, remits change, but that’s life. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. If we are not prepared to move with it, then we will stifle ourselves into missing out on a life less ordinary. Nothing about you is ordinary, you were born special and you continue to be special. Why settle for anything less?

So if you find that sometimes, occasionally, or most of the time you are facing a vague destination, then don’t stop with your purpose, for it will all become clear some day. One day. And for the rest of your life, and a million eternity’s thereafter you will know that you made it.

So here’s to new words and vague destinations, and always with purpose…

Happy Damn Friday! x

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