Situational Adaptability…

Every now and then we come across stumbling blocks. You know the kind of time when something just seems to get in the way. Or when things change at the last minute so you have to stop what you’re doing, re-evaluate the situation and do whatever is needed to push on through. 

Situational adaptability is how I like to look at it. 

It happens, but it’s how we get round it that makes the difference and sets us apart. 

This happened to me yesterday. I’d been finalising a presentation, only to be told the remit had changed. You know what, it’s fine. It is one of those things. Nothing that can’t be sorted and put right. I guess in the grand scheme of things, there’s nothing that can’t be sorted - in one way or another. So I put it right, I made the changes I needed to change and all it took was a little time and a little thought. Easy really. It’s down to attitude, if you think of something as a problem, then you make it a problem. If you think about it with an inquisitive mind, then you make it an opportunity to learn or develop. 

Don’t let one bad thing ruin your day!

The thing is some people get hung up on small things. Minor hiccups are made into mountains. Stress is built up and for no real purpose at all. Nothing is worth stressing about if you can think about it first. More so, nothing is worth stressing about if you have no control over it - in situations like these, it becomes nothing more than a futile waist of time and energy.  Truth is, they don’t need to be. Nothing cannot be overcome with a little thought, and a little ‘situational adaptability’.

You’ve have several hours in a day where you can get work on what’s going on. There is nothing that you can’t adapt to and overcome. 

Until a day is over, there’s always a chance you’ll remember it for something else…

Happy Damn Friday! x

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