
Do not let yourself get hung up on stuff that ‘happens’. Each and every day we find stumbling blocks that can be all too easy to get hung up on.

Whatever your trials and your tribulations, the mirror will show who’s to blame. You carry that blame like a black cloud, because you see it as all encompassing and there is no way out of it. And that my friends is where you are wrong. 

Firstly, and most importantly, you tried. Best of all, you get to try again - and each time you will get a different outcome. A better outcome. The best outcome means that you can step away and move onwards. But, if it takes a couple of goes to get there, then so what. 

Then when you look in the mirror and know you’ve tried, you will see that you’re winning all of the time. Why? Because trying isn’t failing. Failing only happens when you give up. The power to pick yourself up and dust yourself off is greater than any knock back. 

The times we fail does not define us - unless we give up. But we are not quitters. Striving for a better outcome is what defines us. Writing our very own success story is what defines us. 

Best of all, the rest of your story has yet to be written, so may as well make it a good one…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

