Exams And Stuff…

Nothing in this world defines you, other than yourself. It’s not about exam results, it’s not about where you come from, it’s not about the size of the house you live in, or how much money you have in the bank. There are millions of kids getting exam results this week, for some they are getting the grades they have dreamed of, for others it isn’t quite the same. 

I know there will be various famous people on social media saying exam results don’t matter. To be fair, I agree. What makes the difference is you. You wanting to get out of bed in the morning and work hard to make a difference for yourself and for others. That’s what matters. 

Some of the most successful people you will ever encounter have made it without the grades many others have achieved. Showing up with attitude, the right attitude, is what will take you further than any exam mark. The tenacity to want to develop and to become the best that you can be is what will really make you everything you can. 

My siblings and I were always told, from a young age, work hard and do your best. When you do your best, then you know you can be proud of what you’ve done. Always remember that. Being proud of what you’ve done will give you the biggest sense of achievement and satisfaction you will get. Best of all, it starts with every single day, having the opportunity to do exactly that. Each and every day we get a golden opportunity to do the best we can. Grades do not determine what you are capable of achieving. 

If you’ve got a kid that’s just had their results, irrespective of what grades they got - do not compare them to anyone else. This is toxic! It is toxic and it devalues the child as well as devaluing what they have achieved. They sat the exam by them self, nobody else did it for them, so why compare their outcome to anyone else’s?

We all start the day with the same opportunity. We all start with 24hrs. It’s what we do with that 24hrs that matters. 

It only feels this epic once, because it’s only live once…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

