Anywhere For Free…

What if I told you that you could go anywhere in the world for free? What if I told you that you had the capability to transport yourself anywhere, at anytime without bounds. 

The thing is we can. Seriously, we/you/me/everyone can. 

Try this. Close your eyes and picture your favourite place. The place that you’ve been to, and loved every second. The place that feels like ‘home’ irrespective of where in the world it was. 

Pretty easy, huh?

So now that we’ve established we can do it, now try it by closing your eyes and imagining somewhere that you’ve dreamed of going. Doesn’t matter if it’s the highest peaks of Mount Everest, or the depths of the oceans. It’s all instantly accessible in your mind. The most magical thing about this is that it doesn’t matter how able you are physically, you can travel mentally to anywhere and conquer all that is in your path. 

I guess it’s a bit like when we are kids and we play ‘let’s pretend’. Our imaginations are the most powerful thing any of us will ever experience. We dare to dream, and that’s something we tend to lose as adults. But why? Why should we be afraid to dream and still use our imagination to take us anywhere we want to go, and anywhere for free?

In the U.K most of us (of a certain age) will remember the kids tv show called Mr Benn. I loved this show, and it came to mind again this week completely out of the blue. Basically the main character was a smartly dressed businessman who would take himself into a fancy dress shop, where he would try on a costume and instantly be transported to far away lands for wonderful adventures. Sound familiar to what we are talking about here? 

The thing is we don’t need to go anywhere to be able to do it. Even from a mental health perspective, imagine being able to lift yourself from any situation, albeit temporarily, and take yourself somewhere happier, safer and comforting. You can. 

So why not try it, take 5mins of your day/evening and just close your eyes and transport yourself to anywhere, anytime, any place. 

As of by magic - you appear…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter
