Fast Is A Feeling…

Ever have one of those days where time literally stands still? 

Often it’s when we are faced with a repetitive or menial task. Sometimes it’s when things aren’t going too well, and it is fuelled by overthinking, in itself causing a spiral of time-stalling thoughts and emotions. 

I’ve had a couple of those this week. But that’s ok. It’s ok because I know that they come and they go. The main thing is they go. 

Lately I’ve been thinking about how, as we get older especially, we deal with and process stuff. We get better equipped recognising what is important and what isn’t. We also get better at healing. However, it must be remembered that healing also means taking responsibility for the role you play in what you are trying to heal from. If you don’t take responsibility you will never heal. Not today, not tomorrow, not next week, not ever. 

The other thing I’ve been thinking about in respect of healing is how quickly it all happens. Everyone has heard the expression “Time is a healer”. I guess it is and at the same time it isn’t. Don’t be pressured into feeling that you need to heal yourself in a heartbeat. It doesn’t work like that. There is no set time, speed or deadline. It happens when it happens, and when you allow it. 

Getting older helps because as mentioned earlier we get better at ‘life’. However, it’s not about age, it’s about experience. Experience is something we all get in life, the pace at which it comes to us can be wildly different. But we all get it. 

So with this in mind, you’re even more prepared to take responsibility for your role in all that you face. 

Fast is a feeling, speed is a number, age is irrelevant... 

Happy Damn Friday! x

Simple messages to inspire, and generate happiness

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