Keep On The Green Blur…

Now that the weather has turned, the dark evenings are upon us and traffic seems to have multiplied faster than some random form of bacteria. It is all too easy to get caught up in the frustration of standing still when the world seems to be moving forwards ahead of us. 

The thing is, the journey is only as fast as the road you are on. It doesn’t matter what is happening anywhere else, your journey is what’s in front of, and behind, you. You can change roads, you can take diversions, but it will only ever be as fast as the road you are on. For anyone who has changed lanes in a queue, only to find the lane they have just come out of seems to move faster. But then you find where you are will speed up and slow down accordingly. You still get to the front, but sometimes it just needs a little patience. 

You will get to your destination when the time is right for you. There may be some, or indeed many hold ups along the way, but your destination will always be ahead of you. Where that is, none of us know for sure. As I am sure that we are all capable of making significant changes, and taking new roads as we grow. But remember, the journey speed is always relative to the road you are on. 

The late, great motorcycle road racer Joey Dunlop once described road racing as “There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one”. The same applies to life. 

Don’t get frustrated, just keep focused and keep on the grey blur…

Happy Damn Friday! x

Simple messages to inspire, and generate happiness

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