Milk and Questions…?

I read a piece this week regarding the meaning of life. For many the meaning of life is a concept that seems beyond comprehension. A great number of people come into this world and live out their days without querying or questioning anything. Don’t get me wrong, if someone is happy with that, then so be it. 

For me, I am inquisitive. I question everything. Not because I don’t necessarily believe something, but more so that I want to increase my understanding and my knowledge. For example, I am fascinated by how stuff works. The very fact that someone has thought out how to make something do something, for me is worthy of investigation. 

Is it that the meaning of life is to question everything? It could be. 

Personally I believe that it is split into two factors. Firstly, as I have already alluded - question everything. This will make you smarter, more interesting, more interested and someone that can hold a conversation with anyone. That in itself is a feat not to be underestimated at any cost. In fact it is a skill that will set you aside. Never be afraid to have a conversation, but don’t do it blindly on the subject matter, unless you are solely there to listen, observe and learn. But when you listen, listen with intent. 

The second factor is something a little more obscure. ‘Cows don’t give you milk’. It might sound random, and nothing if not a little obscure. However, it is a fact. 

Cows don’t give you milk - you either milk the cow or you don’t get milk. 

The basis of this is simple. Don’t expect something for nothing in life. Don’t be a ‘taker’. If you want something, you have to do something to get it. You have to earn it, and only then will you truly appreciate it. I suppose it’s like the rule of every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You put effort in, you get reward out. Laziness, tardiness and general complacency will never be rewarding. Not now, not in the long term, not ever. 

I hope that his has given you food for thought today. As you read my words, I hope you ponder what it really means, and more importantly what it means to you. Do this and be happy, the reward of both will make your life happier. 

It’s simple really; question everything - always. And there’s no point just looking at a cow. 

Those my friends are my secrets to life…

Happy Damn Friday! x

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