The Art of Lying…

This week I’ve been thinking about the art of lying. Why some people do, and some do not. When it’s acceptable and when it is not. Boring or not, I’m one of those who believe in telling the truth. It’s how we were brought up - that steadfast “Work hard and alway tell the truth” approach our parents instilled in my siblings and me. 

Always tell me the truth, don’t sugar coat it, just the simple of the truth - no matter how complex it may be. 

Sadly, there are people who are either incapable of telling the truth, or will be poetic in their approach to the truth. Mostly to make them be something they are not. Similarly there are some who will lie because they are scared to tell the truth. Either through their own fear, or through the coercion of others. That’s the worst part, being pressured into telling an untruth through fear of repercussions. Lots of innocent people have confessed to stuff they have never done. 

Never be afraid to tell the truth - no matter how hard it is for others to hear. Even more important, never be afraid to tell your truth!

I think another reason I don’t lie is it makes it easier to not have to remember ‘a story’ to cover  something up. That and it doesn’t insult the intelligence of your audience. That’s the thing with lying, those who do it most are terrible at it. 

The other thing about lying is that it gets out of hand. What I mean by this is that it is all to easy to believe the lies you tell, and they then become some sort of altered reality. I know people tell “little white lies”, and for the most part it’s harmless. But wouldn’t it be better to have a conversation that paints the picture of the truth?. However hard or easy that may be. So when it comes to the art of lying, remember that you are the artist and a true reflection always looks better than made up. 

Just be honest - starting with yourself…

Happy Damn Friday! x

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