We should always be there for those who matter to us. No matter what, loyalty is something that should happen without a second thought. It’s not a case of expecting, or even demanding it. Loyalty comes from the respect you have for someone.
I am sure many of us have close friends that have been in our lives for a long, long time. Even with family members, closeness counts.
Don’t get me wrong, inevitably we tend to drift from some, but that happens as we grow and we build our own lives. At the same time there will be family members we lose contact with as we get older. Either by design, or just with the passage of time. But everyone has their own life to live. Don’t ever feel guilty for not wanting to be caught up in someone else’s emptiness. With that I mean do not allow yourself to become entrapped by friends or family that serve to only drag you down to their level, where they are not living their lives to best of their ability, but don’t want others to succeed around them.
With friends, it’s easy. True friends are true to the end. Likewise you should do and be the same. Never take for granted how blessed you are if you have true friends. I am incredibly lucky that I do. There are people who I know will always be there for me, and likewise I will be there for them too.
The same applies to standing up for what you believe in, as well as who you believe in.
Those who will be by your side are unique and every one completely individual. This is what makes them more special than you will ever truly comprehend. Each true friend, whether friend or family, is like a ice crystal. Beautiful in essence and no two are alike. These people are the steadfast in our lives. To be celebrated whenever you can, and to be respected always.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”
Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
Happy Damn Friday! x
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