10yrs Strong…

So this week marks a pretty special occasion. It is 10 years since I started HappyDamnFriday. 10 years of writing, and sharing, hopefully inspiring. 

As it stands, this blog has been shared in approximately 60 countries around the world, and has been read over 112,000 times. I find this quite remarkable for something that has never been advertised and has found its way through word of mouth alone. 

Sadly, Facebook has introduced an algorithm to restrict the visibility of the blog each week, as I haven’t been paying to promote it. This literally took weekly reading figures from around 1200 to anything between 30-60. 

I still remain resolute I’m not paying to promote this. It’s not because I cannot afford to spend a small amount each week. But, instead it is because it is posted on a free to use platform, and how long would it be before the algorithm changes so that the cost continually increases, and the visibility decreases at the same rate. 

Whilst it has been incredibly difficult to see the viewing figures decimated in the way they have been, I shall continue with doing what I am doing. I will share on Facebook and Twitter and I am eternally grateful to those who share it onwards. Whether it be 10 or 10,000 times, if just one person gets something out of it, then it’s been worthwhile. 

So as I did in that very first post 10 years ago, I invite you to:

“Change one little thing and see how it changes the rest of your day, week, year, life.  Smile more, show the world how damn cool you are and how happy you are to be here.  Inspire others just by being you!”

Start something,

Start anything,

You never know where it might take you…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

