Walk Beside…

Nothing, or no one has any more right to be here than anyone else. It really is as simple as that. 

Don’t ever let yourself feel that you have any less of a right to be somewhere, or be doing something than anyone else. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing can stop you from doing what you really want to. It’s simple really. 

Don’t get caught up in worrying about consequence, because most often the only consequence is that which we hold in our heads in some sort of bizarre self destruct method to talk ourselves out of doing what we really want to. Think of it as something as simple as going for a walk in the rain. I absolutely love it. The consequence is I might get wet. So what. I am very fortunate that I have other clothes to change into when I get home. Besides, my skin is waterproof. 

Thinking of going for a new job, but convincing yourself that you’re not ‘good enough’. How will you ever know until you try?

You have the same right to walk beside anyone or anything. Just as they do with you. Treat everything and everyone with respect and your life will be better and more rewarding than you can imagine. Allow yourself to be that kind of person. 

Walk beside, and support everyone or everything you can. It will be a humbling and educational journey.  

Don’t give up - otherwise you don’t get to see the end of the story…

Happy Damn Friday! x

I'd love to hear from you - you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

