In life we occasionally beat ourselves up about stuff. It’s inevitable. Sometimes we do it subconsciously and other times we are very deliberate in how we take ourselves to task over something we have (or haven’t done).
I am guilty of this. I think for me it’s because I care about the impact I have on those I care about. It’s a natural instinct. I suppose it’s something I’ve always carried, even from a young age. But it’s a good ‘bad’ habit to have. Yet, on the other hand, I have a healthy disregard for what people who don’t matter to me think of me.
Though the beating yourself up about stuff that is not your doing, or the behaviours of others that cause harm is not something you should be holding on to. The world will bring some, or in some cases many, people across your path that don’t swerve to be in the same room as you, never mind dwelling upon your conscience. These are the times when being hard on yourself to justify the actions of another is toxic, and will only ever bring you down. It will take you down into a spiral of doubt and blame that can be not just dangerous, but difficult to get out of.
Similarly, if something doesn’t work out how you’d hoped for or how you’d planned. This should be a learning experience and a recognition that at least you tried. If you hadn’t tried you wouldn’t have known, and sometimes not succeeding, or not getting what you want can be a blessing in disguise. These are the lessons that make us who we are. They give us strength and depth of character. We know what it’s like to lose and we also know what it’s like to earn something.
So if you are having a rough day, don’t be mean to yourself. It’s not going to achieve anything. Actually, it is only ever going to bring about guilt, remorse and self loathing. None of which are ever deserved, nor should they be considered. Before you berate yourself, stop for a moment and remind yourself that you tried.
You never lose and you’ll never be lost. Because you haven’t lost who you are. You’re different now, and that’s ok.
If you’re ever scared of being a bad person, remember that bad people don’t care about being a better person.
You do…
Happy Damn Friday! x
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Always a good read thank you Happy Damn Friday to you and Ronnie ♥️♥️