The merging of opinions and facts becomes a fine line of believing both to be one and the same. I’m sure we’ve all been in conversation with someone who would argue into the wee small hours that what they are saying is ‘fact’. But the reality is that it’s an opinion they have formed, and one that they staunchly believe to be the truth. The kind of people that are ‘maybe incorrect, but never wrong’. However, outside their head it’s a very different story.
Now I’m not saying that it’s always the case. As opinions can be drawn through experience, or through someone’s idea of what is correct. The later, in particular, can be problematic when the founder of the opinion tries to enforce it upon others.
The thing is, the world is full of facts as it is full of opinions. The difference being is that a fact is a universal truth. You don’t have to like them, but it is a resolute truth all the same. If you or I didn’t exist, then the facts would still be there. However, our opinions wouldn’t.
This got me thinking. Facts are forever, until they evolve. But even then the very nature of evolving creates another fact in its place. Just as sure as grass regrows after being cut. It’s like a perpetual creation of truth. That truth may be real only temporarily, or it may be there for an aeon. An opinion, by default is only in existence for an epoch. Though for those willing to learn, an opinion can be founded and unfounded with a single sentence. Not so much an epoch, more-so a momentary lapse of reason.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine to form an opinion on something. But do so based on knowledge rather than hearsay. Never underestimate the importance of research. But even then, know that the facts will always outweigh any formed opinion. Always remember that a fact is a truth. The truth doesn’t care what you believe - truth is not a democracy.
It reminds me of the classic line from ‘A Few Good Men’, when Jack Nicholson’s character ‘Col Jessop’ lambasts ‘Lt Kaffee’ played by Tom Cruise with the infamous line “You can’t handle the truth”. The reality is, unless we are prepared to handle the truth, we are never going to learn. We are never going to grow and we are never going to realise just how much we can take.
The truth can be rewarding. The truth can be ugly, and the truth can be unexpected. But what’s for certainin is that it is always a fact.
This is my truth… Tell me yours!
Happy Damn Friday! x
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