Happy Damn Friday - Palm Trees & Ocean Breeze

What is it about the image of palm trees and ocean breeze that evokes a stillness and an inner smile. For those of us who have been to places where we have had this first hand, we can draw on this to give us happiness and to give us a serenity of some of the beauty the world has to offer. 

The thing is we don't have to go to tropical climes to have this. We have a beauty in every part of the world. Ever notice that even in a derelict space, flowers can blossom and wildlife can flourish?

Beauty is everywhere and anywhere. It is there for us to find if we just open our eyes. It is the palm trees and ocean breeze that carries us on our journey through life. Enjoy every step, every sight, every sound and every moment. 

Happy Damn Friday Peeps! x

Thoughts and feedback to happydamnfriday@outlook.com
